Prayers to get Closer to God and Grow in your Relationship
The prayer points in this article will help you cultivate a closer relationship with Almighty God.
Do you:
- Desire a more intimate relationship with Jesus?
- Long for spiritual growth and depth in your walk with the Lord?
- Want more depth in your prayer life?
So do I.
Despite our best interest and intentions, sometimes we aren’t sure where to begin to cultivate the close relationship with the Lord our hearts yearn for.
One common reason why is that we tend to focus on the wrong things by prioritizing our approach, our words, and what we “do”.
The fact is, our focus needs to be taken off of us, and put on our Savior.
- No need to clean up your act before you approach Him – He desires you to come as you are.
- No need to be concerned about your exterior appearance – He is much more concerned about the condition of your heart.
- No need to focus on having the right words to say in your prayers, or how your prayers sound to any other person – your prayers are for an audience of One, and He’s not impressed with eloquent-sounding prayers! His eyes look straight into the motives and genuineness of heart.
A posture of humility, an authentic desire to love and know the Lord, and a heartfelt plea made in the name of Jesus Christ will always be pleasing in His sight.
Each of the prayer topics in this post:
- Align with God’s will
- Is rooted in Scripture
- Have Bible verses cited
The prayer requests I’m sharing with you today are intensely personal, as they are from my own collection of prayer requests.
As you pray the following prayers, expect the Lord to move in a powerful way.
1. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself to you
I love the promise of Jeremiah 29:13, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”
God WANTS to reveal Himself to His people.
I think you’ll be blessed by a portion of Billy Graham’s answer to the question, “What does it mean that God “reveals” Himself to people?
“Does God speak to us? Does he tell us where he is – how we can find him – how we can be right with him? He does, indeed, tell us about himself and his loving concern. He reveals himself to the human race through his word. The very word “revelation” means “to make known”, “to unveil”. Revelation requires a revealer who in this case is God.
It also requires hearers – the chosen prophets and Apostles record in the Bible what the Lord told them. Revelation is communication in which God is at one end and man is at the other. In the revelation that God established between himself and us, we can find a new dimension of living, but we must tune in. Levels of living we may never attain await us. Peace, satisfaction, and enjoyment we have never experienced are available to us.
The heavens are calling and God is speaking. Are we attuned to his voice? It has been said that in order to tune into God’s voice, we must tune out this world’s noise. When God speaks to us, he should have our full attention.”
When we ask the Lord to reveal Himself to us we should do so with our Bible open!
2. Pray for a heart that loves the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus said the greatest command is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” (Mt. 22:37)
Above all, God wants us to love Him, and that’s a heart issue – the core of our being. So often we reverse our mentality and think we need to “do” things to please Him, but scripture tells us the best thing we can do is realize that it’s our being that is of more importance, the condition of our heart.
To have an undivided heart and wholehearted devotion should be our goal regarding our desire to draw closer to Jesus.
The Lord frequently states in Scripture the importance that our relationship with Him must be our priority over anything else. This is stated clearly in both the Old and New Testaments, and when something else takes the place of your greatest affection, that is defined as idolatry.
Loving Jesus must be the utmost cry of our hearts. From the overflow of our love for Him will come:
- A desire to know Him more
- A desire to obey and serve Him
This is the most frequent, fervent prayer I’ve prayed consistently for myself, my children, and my husband. I know if our hearts are right before the Lord, everything else will fall into place because the things we “do” will first be filtered through a heart in love with the Lord.
3. Ask the Lord to give you a desire to know and understand the Word of God.
“The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” (John 14:26).
The ability to read the words on a page of the Bible may be done with our intellect, but It’s not our natural ability or talent that enables us to understand God’s Word,
This is why a person who doesn’t have a personal relationship with the Lord may try and read Scripture and toss it aside, thinking it’s a bunch of mumbo jumbo! They’re not being rude or disrespectful – they’re being honest! We need the Holy Spirit to reveal truth and enable us to understand it.
This prayer can be helpful if you ever find yourself struggling in any of the following ways regarding your approach to reading the Bible:
- Consider it boring
- Difficult to understand
- Disinterested in reading it
- Think it’s irrelevant to your daily life
If any of the above struggles resonate with you, I would suggest being honest with the Lord about your feelings (He already knows how you feel!), and then ask Him to change your “want to”.
You may not “want to” pick up your Bible to read it or set aside time to spend time in it, but God can change your want-to, and your disinterest can be transformed into desire.
This is the second most consistent, fervent prayer I’ve prayed for myself and my family. By God’s grace, He has given me an intense hunger to know Him through His Word, and I’m not exaggerating when I tell you that His Word has radically transformed my life.
4. Pray for a desire to apply Scripture and align your thoughts, words, and actions accordingly.
“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5).
Knowing and understanding what the Bible says is one thing, but aligning our thoughts and surrendering our will in order to yield to the authority of Scripture is another topic altogether.
Knowing what God’s Word says is a mind issue. Surrender is a heart issue.
To put it bluntly, sometimes we just don’t want to follow God’s way.
There are countless reasons why this may be the case. Here are just a few examples:
- We don’t want to let go of a particular sin. There’s some type of gratification for our flesh in response to our sin, and we are allowing our own desire to be our authority,
- Humility may be required, and maybe even an uncomfortable situation we’d rather avoid in order to obey, so we choose not to. For example: forgiving someone who hurt us deeply.
- We’re having a hard time trusting God in the midst of difficult times, and we’re tempted to look for advice and counsel on how to respond that is outside of God’s Word.
- We’re reluctant to put our faith in certain aspects of truth because they seem unbelievable to us, or we don’t trust certain precepts to be true.
- There are spiritual strongholds that have taken residence in our thoughts that have been ingrained in our belief system, and we feel helpless, hopeless, or weary to face them.
- Sometimes the enemy tries to keep us away from Scripture, and spiritual warfare plays a role in this struggle.
Here again, we can ask the Lord to change our desires from self-focused to God-focused. We may not be able to change our “want-to”, but God can.
This is the third most consistent and fervent prayer I’ve prayed on behalf of myself and my children. I’ve asked the Lord to give a will that will be quick to surrender to His authority when He reveals His truth to us.
Keep in mind: every time God reveals Truth to us, we’re responsible for how we respond.
One way I’ve experienced the dramatic life-changing power of Scripture was by breaking free from strongholds that held me captive. I was at one time the most insecure person you’d want to meet… Overcoming insecurity was accomplished only by applying Scripture to my life.
5. Ask the Lord to help you walk in step with the Holy Spirit
Galatians 5:25 says, “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.”
The desires of our flesh are contrary to the Spirit. They’re opposing forces.
The flesh and the Spirit may be opposing forces; however, they are not equal in power.
The desires of our flesh are intense and the pull to follow them is strong, but the Holy Spirit is the fullness of the Godhead – omnipotent in nature! When we surrender to His authority, He will enable us to obey.
There are no sins, addictions, or destructive daily habits beyond His power to break you free from!
6. Cry out for wisdom
James 1:5 invites us, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”
I don’t know about you, but I readily admit I’m a woman in desperate need of God’s wisdom! I desire His wisdom to guide my steps, my words, and my course.
The best way for us to go about getting it is as simple as James tells us: ask God for it!
The Lord’s wisdom enables us to apply God’s truth to our daily lives. It also helps us stay on the right path the Lord has marked out for us – which varies from one person to the next.
God’s wisdom applied in your life and mine may look very different — even in similar situations.
7. Ask the Lord to reveal any offensive way in you
Psalm 139:23-24 is a powerful prayer, “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Sin can prevent us from experiencing the fullness of blessing in our relationship with God.
When the Lord reveals the presence of sin in our lives, we’re wise to confess and repent from that sin to position ourselves to receive blessing and increased intimacy with the Lord.
Keeping close accounts with Him regarding our sins is a great way to maintain a closer walk and intimacy with our God. Integrating a time of confessing and repenting our sins in our daily prayer is wise to achieve this.
8. Pray for a desire to worship the Lord, and Him only.
“You shall have no other gods before me.” (Ex. 20:3).
Don’t think for a minute that idolatry isn’t present in our world today!
God is very clear in His Word how He feels regarding idolatry – it’s an abomination before Him.
We were created to worship, and everyone is worshipping something. It would be impossible to list every idol worshipped today, but consider these examples:
- Money
- Fame
- A position of power
- Things (a car, house, home furnishings, clothes, jewelry)
- Any pursuit or passion that becomes greater than your love for Jesus
- Loving any person more than you love the Lord
Ask the Lord to reveal any rival idols in your life, repent from those idols, and then put the Lord back on the throne of your heart.
You can also pray for a desire to live a life of worship.
Worshipping God encompasses so much more than playing worship music or praying. As Romans 12:1 tells us, “I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship.”
Worship can be anything we do unto the Lord.
The mundane and routine tasks of our day can be accomplished in a posture of worship when we put Him at the center and honor Him as we serve Him.
9. Pray for a deeper relationship with Jesus
“Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8)
God forbid we ever come to a place where we think we don’t need to grow closer to the Lord or know Him more… Or that we know all there is that we need to know about God’s Word… Or that we love Him perfectly.
Those thoughts would stem from a very ugly, and dangerous, place of pride.
As long as we have breath in our lungs, God desires us to go deeper in our relationship with Him. May we never grow stagnant – or prideful in our relationship with Jesus and think we don’t need more of Him and less of us.
We could never wrap our minds around the height, depth, or breadth of God’s love for us.
Though we can never fully comprehend His love, we can bask in, experience, and know it.
10. Pray for a heart sensitive to the sin of pride.
“The Lord opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6)
“I hate pride and arrogance.” Prov. 8:13)
The two verses above are enough to make me shake in my boots in response!
You and I don’t want anything in our lives that God hates, nor do we want to keep ourselves in a posture that would allow the Lord to oppose us!
When we humble ourselves, we invite the Lord’s grace to be lavished upon us.
Our flesh nature has a bent towards pride, so every person will need to be intentional to guard against this sin. A child of God is wise to be on guard and in tune when the Holy Spirit convicts you of pride.
11. Pray that the Lord will enable you to love others.
Jesus said, “Love the Lord our God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” (Mk. 12:30-31)
“By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.” John 13:35
It’s not always easy to love others.
That’s probably a gross understatement when it comes to some people.
While it may not be too difficult to love our beloved family member or best friend, it’s quite a different story when it comes to someone who hurt us deeply. Or your coworker who drives you nuts, an inconsiderate neighbor, or an annoying parent from the school your child attends.
The list of people difficult to love could go on… a person who persecutes Christians. Criminals. People on social media who openly bully a person or malign their character. Corrupt politicians.
God calls us to love our enemies.
The Bible teaches us to forgive those who hurt, offend, or wrong us.
We can’t accomplish those things on our own; we need God’s help to love others through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit as we surrender our will to His.
12. Ask the Lord to allow you to enjoy spending time with Him!
“Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” (Ps. 37:4)
We were created to enjoy fellowship with Jesus!
Let us never forget the thrill of the love affair God intended.
Our time spent with the Lord can be characterized by excitement, wonder, and awe.
If these adjectives don’t characterize your relationship – ask Him to pour these things into your relationship with Him! Ask the Lord to revitalize your relationship with a fresh zeal and anticipation to spend time with Him.
Concluding thoughts regarding the powerful tool of prayer to grow closer to Jesus
- The best prayers you can offer aren’t characterized by what is seen and heard on the outside – God is not impressed by any exterior – it’s the sincerity of heart when you pray that’s important.
- Long or short prayers are not a benchmark for effectiveness – It’s the genuineness of your plea before Him that’s of primary importance to God!
- It’s easy to get caught up in daily life demands, immersed in various activities, and distracted with pressing life issues. We long for a meaningful relationship with Jesus and a deeper connection with Him, but often approach this goal with a mindset that emphasizes us and what we need to do, when our focus really needs to be on the Lord, and what He will do in and through us.
- Any spiritual growth is not achieved by us; we can’t earn it by good works or advance in by our own merit.
- Scripture provides promises of God and reveals that He pursues His people and desires a relationship with them.
- Jesus desires intimacy with us. Our Holy God, the Creator of the Universe, desires intimacy with His people. It truly is mind-blowing. We often talk about wanting a personal relationship with the Lord, but the astonishing and humbling revelation comes with the understanding that the Lord God, our loving Father, desires intimacy with His people.
- The Lord paved the way for us to have fellowship with Him – through His son, Christ Jesus. The moment Jesus died, the veil in the temple was torn in two, from the top to the bottom, demonstrating our ability to come into God’s presence.
- Our spiritual growth is not acquired by anything we do, nor is it in response to anything we deserve; it is solely the work of God in our lives, and He alone receives all glory.
You or I cannot take one ounce of credit for developing a deeper walk with the Lord; it is all His work in us and every ounce of that is to His glory.
While there are different ways we can place ourselves in a posture for spiritual growth, such as a daily time of prayer, Bible study, listening to Christian music, and worshipping the Lord – always remember it is HIM that sanctifies us. Even the desire to want to grow closer to Him is from Him working in us!
Based on the authority of Scripture, if you pray the prayers in this post with a pure heart, you can expect the Lord to move mightily in and through you. And when He does — be certain to give Him every ounce of glory for it.
I pray for the people that God will draw to my website regularly. I’m feeling led to pray over you as we close today.
Dear God, we come before you humbly with a desire to love and know you more. Please reveal yourself in personal and powerful ways and move in such a way that your presence, power, and activity are unmistakable to every person reading my words. Transform us for your glory, Lord.
In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen
Very good post, praying is much easier than we tend to think of it. It’s really just spending quality time in thoughtful conversation with God. You make a good point, in that we must take the time to communicate with, and listen for God to answer.
I’m so glad you enjoyed this post! I like the phrase you used, “quality time with God”. We often talk about the importance of carving out that time with our loved ones… how much more should we prioritize this with the Lord who longs to hear from – and speak to us?! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment! 🙂
Awesome 👍 wow.
please pray for me I am a singer and I will be singing ”Lest I forget Gethsemane” on Sunday morning. 🌞
Thank you 😅 Lord for this person.
I pray that You will move in a powerful way on Sunday morning. 🌞
Hi Mark! This is Jen Brooks, and I’m stopping right now to pray for you… May your voice be strong as you sing, and may the words minister to the hearts of those who hear – to the glory of our God!