FREE Printable Bible Study Lessons for Small Groups

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Attention small group leaders: FREE Bible Study Lessons to Download!

Do you desire spiritual growth and increased intimacy in your relationship with Jesus?  

Do you prefer Bible studies that dive deep into God’s Word and not remain on the surface in its content?

If so, you’re in the right place! 

There are 3 free resources for you to grab in this post – be sure to complete EACH FORMS you’d like to download!

  1. 5 In-Depth Bible study guides
  2. Spiritual Warfare Toolkit
  3. First Chapter of Jen’s newest Bible study, Anchor Your Identity in Christ

These resources can be used for personal use or small group Bible studies. 

Mere intellectual growth should never be our goal when studying the Word of God – we want to be transformed!

Each lesson you download will contain personal reflection and group discussion questions (if used for small group study) to apply God’s truth to our daily lives.

Get your free lessons by completing the form below:

5 FREE Printable Bible Study Lessons

Your Bible study lesson bundle will cover the following topics:

1. Want to have increased intimacy in your prayer time? Your first lesson is about prayer and contains practical strategies to renew your perspective and drive you closer to the Lord in your prayer life.

2. Have you ever prayed for something you desperately wanted, and God’s response was no? It can be heartwrenching to wrestle with and accept God’s “no” to our request. Trusting God in these difficult times can be difficult. This lesson examines how we should respond when God says no as we walk alongside David when he experienced this exact scenario. 

3. Do you want to put God first in your life, but are not certain how? A believer’s focus tends to think we need to “do more good things” to “be in good standing” with God, but that is not the case. This lesson looks at how the Bible describes an undivided heart and how it can become a reality. 

4. Want to position yourself to be blessed by God? Who wouldn’t answer yes to that question?! The old adage, “You reap what you sow” is more than a catchy saying, it’s a Biblical principle and it will come to pass in your life. This lesson defines the sowing and reaping principle and explains how to apply it to reap God’s blessings in a later season. 

5. Want to honor God with your words, but find yourself falling short? This lesson identifies many ways we fall short with our words, including gossip, lies, quarreling, and more. We’ll study Jesus’ words, “From the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks” (Mt. 12:34) As we’ll see, the root of this issue isn’t our mouth – it’s our heart.

Spiritual Warfare Toolkit

Whether we like it or not, there is a raging spiritual battle, and every follower of Jesus is in the line of fire!

Spiritual battle can leave us feeling overwhelmed, scared, and weary, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Every follower of Jesus has been equipped to be victorious in spiritual battle – EVERY TIME you stand exactly as God’s Word instructs!

You, my friend, don’t have to shrink back in fear when it comes to spiritual battle; you’ve been positioned to be the victor, not the victim. 

You see, the battle has already been won – by Jesus Christ on the cross. 

You don’t have to take it when the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. 

You don’t have to entertain his lies and deceptions.

You don’t need to succumb to defeat in the face of temptation!

The spiritual warfare toolkit is a spiritual blueprint for victory!

A spiritual battle requires a spiritual battle plan based on sound Biblical theology to obtain spiritual victory, and this toolkit is a great resource for you to personalize it with:

  • Your unique areas of struggles
  • Specific ways the enemy lies and deceives you
  • Any strongholds you may currently be captive 
  • Areas where you’re vulnerable to his attack

Grab your toolkit now!

It can also be used for a personal devotional or in Bible study groups. 

Watch this short video to learn how having a colored contact lens is like having a stronghold!

FREE Chapter of Jen’s most recent Bible Study, Anchor Your Identity in Christ

This verse-by-verse study of Ephesians will equip you to:

  • Help you recognize lies you’ve believed and dismantle them
  • Clarify your life purpose
  • Equip you for victory in spiritual battle (Every. Single. Time.)
  • Enable you to experience peace and confidence as you discover who God says you are and align your beliefs with His Word.

It is my hope and prayer that these free bible studies and resources will help equip you to anchor your identity in Christ!

I can’t wait to study with you!

It is an honor to serve you, 

Jen Brooks

Open Bible and open notebook with a red pen and yellow highlighter. Text overlay reads Free Printable Bible study lessons for small groups or individual use

Free Printables and Bible study worksheets for personal study or use in a small group bible study lesson

Related Posts with Additional free resources:

FREE Devotional on Psalm 23: The Lord is my Shepherd

FREE Printable of 7 Bible Verses that are Promises of God 

FREE Prayer Journal Template

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  1. What an awesome resource! I know it was a God-wink that I came across it today and at this very moment after finishing devotion. Thanks so much for making available the free Bible Study resources. God’s Blessings!


    1. How exciting that you’re getting involved in teaching Bible study! It’s an incredibly humbling and exciting honor to teach God’s Word. I’m stopping right now to pray for you as you begin to serve the Lord in this way!

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